A review by faerieminstrel
Blameless by Gail Carriger


While I always enjoy Alexia Tarabotti, Lord Maccon, Professor Lyall, and the rest of Gail Carriger's fantastic characters, there were parts of this story that lagged for me. As in both previous novels, Alexia is constantly pursued by those who wish her harm. There is daring, excitement, intrigue, vampires, werewolves and mysteries...but I feel like much of the intrigue is cleared up too soon. I feel like there were a few too many pages between revelation and the wrap-up of the inevitable.

That said, I suspect that some of what I found lagging may have to do with where this installment fits into the overarching story arc of Carriger's delightfully-created world. Carriger hands us so many little plot-twists involving Lord Akeldama, the Shadow Council, drones and clavigers alike. She also throws us a few new characters that will hopefully make future appearances, as well as some choice scenes with Mrs.Ivy Hisslepenny Tunstell.

Skim when you must, just keep going. Though not my favorite of the series, I do still recommend it, and cannot wait to move on to book 4 (and read book 5 when it's released in March!).