A review by cowmingo
Stone Heart by Susan K. Hamilton, Susan K. Hamilton


This is one of those scenarios where I should have paid closer attention to the synopsis. Cheating isn't always my favorite trope and if I had realized this book was centered around it, I probably wouldn't have requested it. However, I gave it a chance and I'm kind of sorry I did.

First, the main character is a recovering drug addict but still drinks. Now I worked in addiction for a long time, I understand all about harm reduction but it needs to be depicted well. I don't think this was done well and she certainly had zero support structures in place so this was thing one that bothered me. Thing two is the entire cheating plot. Now, cheating is whatever. Like I said it's not my favorite trope but I can deal. However, in this book I really don't understand the point of this part of the plot. And to be truthful, I don't understand the entire book. Very little actually happened to advance the plot which made me wonder when the book was going to do anything. I'm still wondering. I really wanted to like it but when I finish a book and think what was the point of this entire story, it's usually a bad sign.

I want to thank Books Foreward PR for an early gifted copy.