A review by bellebookcorner
Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller


Ever since [b:The Shadows Between Us|35702241|The Shadows Between Us|Tricia Levenseller|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1558027905l/35702241._SY75_.jpg|57195957], I've been looking out for another book from the author and when I saw this appealing cover and intriguing synopsis I added it immediately to my TBR list.

The plot is simple, quick and fast-paced. This book is perfect for those who need to get out of a reading slump because the story is well written with no complicated magic system or world-building which makes is easier to understand and get lost in this story.

I really like the characters, each character is unique and has their own secrets. Especially Kiva as the heroine of the story. Usually the heroine will be this badass girl that is not afraid of anything and has powerful gift, but in here we can see Kiva is struggling with her anxiety and panic attacks which makes her more relatable.
I really like the relationships in this book especially the sibling relationship between Kiva and Temra. Although it's a little bit frustrated with Kiva love life at the moment but hopefully in the next book they can sort out their feelings for real.

There's some surprises at the end that I didn't expect at all. Like
Spoilerthere's a bit connection to the Excalibur story on how the blade of secret is finally contained and how Petrik become the son of the villain whose been chasing all of them from the beginning. I miss all those signs and didn't even suspect him at all.
With how the book ended I really wish I could time travel to next year and grab the the second book because I want to know what happen next!

Overall, this is really great, entertaining and enjoyable. This book is obviously a page-turner that I finished it in a few hours because I can't seem to put it down. Definitely looking forward to the final book next year!