A review by casey_zi
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon


*imported from amazon.ca* :D

1.5 stars

I feel like somewhat of an intruder, jumping to the fifteenth book of a series without having read any of the previous installments. I'm going to generously assume that that was the reason why this book didn't impress me. Perhaps you need to know Acheron beforehand for his origin story to have any impact on you.

And impact is obviously what this author was trying - rather overzealously, I might add - to create, because in this book you're treated to three hundred and fifty pages documenting Acheron's torture, abuse, rape, beatings, and endless emotional trauma of the likes you couldn't imagine. Really, I felt sorry for him at first, but as the horrors continued I grew tired and sickened of it instead. So would you, I hope, if you had to read 350 pages of this (in small print)! It didn't feel sad or horrifying after a while, just unreal. I don't believe that anyone could be so cruel to someone, escpecially not someone in their own family, beating them senseless in the same way over and over.

But it ended. Eventually. After his final betrayal by someone he thought loved him, Acheron dies and is reborn a god (As you know). The next chapter of his life, his new life, is titled "TORY."

Soteria is the woman who finally earns his complete trust and love, healing him of his past in the process. But this isn't a spoiler. Come on. You knew this was coming, didn't you? Every hero with a tortured past has to have someone who comes along to absolve of his pain and the scars on his heart, right?

Anyway, Soteria sticks with Acheron even after finding out who he really is. But it's dangerous. Acheron has enemies. They can and will use this weakness of his to their advantage. Tory's presence leads to the last battle, and the end.

See my book tags? In this book the pantheon of the so-called lost city of Atlantis, created by the author, exists alongside the actual gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece, which is what makes this book mythopoeic. I love myth and I appreciate what the author did with Atlantis, so I dropped an extra star in.

I borrowed this book from the library, along with two other doorstoppers of similiar subject and higher page number. After reading this, though, I'm not going to be reading them. Not if either of them are anything like this book. I would not recommend this to anyone other than serious fans of this series. It's long and tiring, full of horrible abuse, cussing, sex scenes and awkward holes where commas should be. It was disgusting.