A review by unhappyhour333
Unworthy: How to Stop Hating Yourself by Anneli Rufus


Her observations and insights into the why and how of self-hate are deep and spot on. However, the advice she gives to overcome it is simplistic and not very useful. She could have just said, "when you feel awful about yourself just stop feeling that way," and I would have saved myself about 60 pages of reading. I don't believe that this approach has ever helped anyone and it sure didn't tell me anything that I haven't been told a hundred times before by people who don't understand how awful it feels.

The other thing I took issue with was her use of "low self esteem" and "self hate" as being interchangeable. When you hate someone or something, it is a much stronger and deeper feeling than simply not having a lot of esteem for them/it. Maybe this is why her suggestions seemed so tone deaf to me. Because with low self esteem, you're starting from a place where there is at least a little self love, albeit a low level.