A review by katekat
Demigods and Monsters by Cameron Dokey, Kathi Appelt, Paul Collins, Elizabeth Wein, Jenny Han, Elizabeth M. Rees, Rick Riordan, Paul Collins, Sarah Beth Durst, Hilary Wagner, Carolyn MacCullough, Nigel Rodgers, Ellen Steiber, Leah Wilson, Kathy Appelt, Rosemary Clement-Moore, Sophie Masson, Rafael Gustavo Spiegel, Janaína Senna


I love Rick Riordan's writing style and characterization. I have always enjoyed mythology and he does a great job of bring any and all mytholgy to life in a fresh and new way. I find the characters to be engaging and to feel really real. His characters feel fresh and diverse without feeling like he makes them diverse just to have diversity. He does not belabor the point of their diversity it just is a fact of who they are and yet anyone who reads his books can feel included in representation. I love how he weaves the mythology into modern times so you feel like you are learning something as you are being entertained.