A review by jammasterjamie
Dawn of X Vol. 16 by Benjamin Percy, Ed Brisson, Jonathan Hickman


Giant-Sized Storm: Meh. This was already collected in the Giant-Sized X-Men trade, so kind of redundant to include it here. Good enough story and art, but nothing I really needed to revisit.

Marauders: Shit is getting dark and I'm going to have to get some night-vision goggles because I don’t want to miss a thing. Beast gone bad is always fun to read. I'm not a fan of the move they made with Piotr, but I'm willing to see what comes of it; it just really doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of what Krakoa or the X-Men in general are all about, but I assume there's a plan within the plan that will be revealed hopefully soon.

Excalibur: Much more enjoyable than I've previously found this title. Maybe it's because I'm high, but I found these installments to be funny and really well rendered, and I'm always a sucker for getting to see Apocalypse's back story get more fleshed out, so all in all, I enjoyed this.