A review by sjj169
Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes


Lauren Beukes is an interesting author. I didn't care for her book The Shining Girls at all. I felt bad though because several of my friends loved it. I think her books are going to fall that way-you either love them or hate them.
She redeemed herself for me in this one. This woman can flipping write. I thought my husband was going to super glue my lips closed because I kept wanting to quote him passages from it. I also wanted to spam status updates to my friends on GR. Oh wait, I did do that some. Yes, I'm sneaking another one in.

Had to learn the unfairness of it all firsthand. You think the world comes down to basic math. One plue one. Life for a life. But apparently that don't add up in the US Justice system, no matter what the Bible says about eyes and teeth.

The book starts off with a young boys body being found. He has been chopped in two and his other half replaced with a half a deer.
From there the book focuses on several different characters. I thought this would bother me but I didn't care. I wanted more.

One theme that continues through this book is social media, I loved how that theme sorta blended in with the whole story without being overbearing.

Shakespeare would have it wrong these days. It's not the world that's the stage-it's social media, where you're trying to put on a show. The rest of your life is rehearsals, prepping in the wings to be fabulous online.

Now for what I didn't like..at about 87% I don't know what the hell happened. I almost stopped the book at that point. The whole paranormal angle? It did not work for me. I like thrillers and I like paranormal books..this one just did not mesh that well AT ALL. I did end up finishing the book and she does wrap up things. I just didn't care for it and thus the four star instead of the five I almost gave this book.

I received an arc copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review