A review by booksenvogue
The Angels Are Here by Patti Roberts


I've should have done my homework first!

I was requested to review this book and give a honest review. I noticed it was only a little over one hundred pages, so I figured this will be a quick and fun read.

Ummm, about fifty pages in, I was so utterly confused. There were beings with mystical powers, Angels(??) I think, humans, previous incarnation flashbacks. All seemingly interesting but not composed systematically. I found myself questioning my motivation to finish this book. I had no idea how all this tied together or where the story was headed.

I'm not into mindless reading for the sake of giving some kind of review; so there was no way I was going to force myself to go through the motions of reading a story I wasn't feeling. Then I decided to read the synopsis. I don't normally read the whole synopsis prior; for fear that it'll contain spoilers. READ THE SYNOPSIS BEFORE READING THIS BOOK. It is seriously a must. The synopsis is the legend for the entire book.

Needless to say, I had an "AHA" moment and decided to start over from the beginning. NOW it makes sense. This completely changed my view on the story. It's actually pretty good concept and over all story. However nothing is straight forward and in the end you're still left with a lot of questions.