A review by amy_inthecatacombs
Broken Things to Mend by Karey White


I received a copy from the blog tour host, Kathy @ I Am a Reader

I have only read one other book my Karey White, My Own Mr. Darcy and really loved that one. I was excited for the chance to review this one. This book is the first book of a 12 book series that is loosely related. I use the term loosely because the string tying the series together is Pearl, a Chinese Matchmaker, has visions of people and tries to get them together. As far as I can tell, that is the only thing that connects the series. Each following book is written by another author that releases the start of each month.

There was a time or two that the book seemed a little slow, but I did enjoy this story. I felt bad for Celia's past and current situation. She had a rough childhood that spread to her early adulthood, but Sisters, OR offers her a chance at a new beginning and the making of a support system that she never truly had when she was growing up.

At first, I wasn't sure how I liked Silas. I grew attached to Celia quickly, but it took a little bit for me to warm up to Silas. Silas has something he needed to mend some in his life. Silas has problems stuttering and does not talk to people much. I liked seeing them open up to each other and wished there was more growth with them shown. I feel like their relationship was rocky in places and then seemed to speed up all of the sudden. The story and the struggles that Celia faced is what sold me most on this book. I do wish Pearl made more appearances. This story touches on several issues that a reader can feel touched by and does have quite a few moments of hope and laughter. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series!