A review by iffer
The Last Last-Day-of-Summer by Lamar Giles


For a short children's book, this one seemed packed! I think that many kids would enjoy this because it has non-stop action and sci-fi/time travel elements that will appeal to their imaginations. I have to confess that I got slightly confused, mostly because timey-wimey stuff can be confusing. Other than that I loved that this book centered around two cousins who were being raised by their grandma. I don't think that there are enough books, even children's books, that feature strong friendships. I also felt seen insofar as the cousins-like-siblings relationship was portrayed. The book also has very positive messaging about not letting bullies prevent you from taking a leap of opportunity; finding a purpose for your talents that help others rather than just aggrandize you; and striving to love and understand each other, even or especially when, we're jealous.

P.S. I'm excited to have "found" the author Lamar Giles and will probably try reading some of his other books.