A review by chrissymcbooknerd
True Blood: All Together Now by Alan Ball


I've only read a few of the books, honestly, and I never got past the first season of the show. But, I was still intrigued by the idea of a True Blood graphic novel -- despite the fact that I'm not really savvy in the genre of graphic novels, either.

We begin with an introduction by the creator of the show, who briefly comments on the ever evolving world of graphic novels to adapt to a larger audience. Then, we get the story -- or really, a bunch of stories, since it's pretty much a tale of everyone telling their own tales, to shed light on the characters.

We first see Sookie getting wet in a storm, followed by a few sexual innuendos about her wet t-shirt, of course. A huge octopus/squid creature with an ugly messed up jaw busts into the bar, someone calls it an Oompa Loompa, and then we get a bloody fight and a few "Ghhuhhhhhhhh!"s.

Sookie announces that her big, bad boyfriend Bill will save the day. Then there is more blood, everyone is trapped, SMACK!, DAMN! KHHHCHK! Bill is trapped, Sookie will do ANYTHING to free her hero, and the octopus/squid creature with the ugly messed up jaw comes up with a solution. Everyone will tell their most shameful story, he will feed on the shame and gain strength for himself, then he will channel all of the negative energy into one of the characters, who personally wronged him in the past.

At this point, we get a lot of flashbacks, emotion, glimpses into the past, each of which, I presume, will add a bit of depth to our perceptions of the characters (although I can't say for sure, not having kept up with the show or books). The stories were good -- some sad, some tragic, most intense, and I guess I'll stop here with the play by play so that I don't spoil the WHOLE thing, right?

If you love True Blood, read it. If you've never seen the show or read the books, probably skip it. I'm vaguely familiar with the characters, but I just felt like I was missing something. Save this one for the real fans of the series, I guess!