A review by teenykins
Coach's Challenge by Avon Gale


2nd re-listen. Upping my initial rating from 4.5 stars to full 5.

Full stars for Scott and his narration, which unlike the first time I listened to this, I didn't have issues differentiating between voices and characters.

This is everything I wanted Power Play to have been. Emotions, chemistry, character development, relationship and of course the sex scenes.

Troy and Shane were hot, funny, open, played no mind games, went after what they wanted, amazing all in all.

I really hope Avon will continue the series. I miss her writing. 


4.5 stars

Seriously while listening to the audiobook I was wondering what kind of mood I was in when reading it and I only gave it 4 stars, although it might as well have been Scott R. Smith's incredible narration that made me enjoyed it more than reading it.

Still though I would have liked to give it 5 stars full and not round up but there were times especially on the last 1/3 of the book that I couldn't differentiate Smith's voice for Troy and Shane and I had to wait for the name of either character to be mentioned to understand who was talking. Thus half a star was deducted.