A review by creekhiker
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012 by Laura Furman, Mary Gaitskill, Daniyal Mueenuddin, Ron Rash


I am using this as my primary textbook for my upcoming Craft of Fiction class, so I won't write much here in case my students check into my Goodreads (hey, students!). But, as always, there are some wonders in this collection, and some stories that left me a little cold. Two of my favorites are Alice Munro's story, because, well, she's Alice Munro and amazing, and covers so many years with such ease. And the other favorite was Kindness by Yiyun Li is more like a Novella, and is simply stunning. All in all, a great collection, and I look forward to the discussions of craft that this book will generate amongst my English 456 students.