A review by grid
Down Among the Dead by K.B. Wagers


I really liked the first three books. The thing that turned me off the most about this one was not necessarily the first half being entirely about mental and physical abuse of the main character, (at the hands of two people we are very predictably meant to forgive as easily as the main character does), but rather the fact that somewhat believable science fiction was turned into fantasy with magic in it. And it’s the worst kind of magic, the kind that has rules rendering it unbelievable. If anyone can learn magic, why doesn’t everyone know how to use it? If your explanation is “because they haven’t been taught”, go back to the drawing board. You haven’t been trying hard enough. And if this makes it into your published novel.. shame on not only you, but on your editors too. It’s lazy writing and just… sad.

I’m going to read the last book in the series, but only because it’s right there on the shelf waiting for me. :P