A review by amdame1
The Escape of Light by Fred Venturini


Wilder Tate was horribly burned when he was 10 years old. Despite the burns and the bullying, he has become a good basketball player. Now he is starting high school, at a new school. He na dPreston are the only 2 kids from their old school to make this transition. Even though they weren't friends at the old school, out of solidarity, they bond at the new one. The new school has heard of Wilder though, both for the burns and for his basketball prowess. To his surprise, he starts making friends. But then things start going terribly wrong....

LOTS of swearing, some teen drinking, bullying, a character who was sexually abused (no graphic details - definitely a trigger warning though!). This book is intense in many ways but thought provoking and well-written.