A review by lace_m_3
How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough


Great quote:

"...science suggests a very different reality. It says that the character strengths that matter so much to young people's success are not innate; they don't appear in us magically, as a result of good luck or good genes. And they are not simply a choice. They are rooted in brain chemistry, and they are molded, in measurable and predictable ways, by the environment in which children grow up. That means the rest of us- society as a whole- can do an enormous amount to influence their development in children."

I found this book full of information paired with hope- hope that we can help the youth of our country to grow and succeed through hard work and character. Lots of good helps and hints for parents.

If you have a kid, are a teacher or are just interested in helping people- check out this awesome book by Paul Tough.