A review by toystory242
Chew, Vol. 3: Just Desserts, by John Layman


So I read the first two volumes of this last year (from The Strand!!), and since I haven't had too much time to read anything besides school books, I decided to re-read those first two volumes and continue on with the series! Graphic novels are sometimes daunting to me because they can be never-ending it seems like, but I know for a fact that this is a completed 12 volume series, so I'm happy to keep reading knowing there's an ending in sight!

I am also super glad I re-read the first two, because I have a new appreciation for the series that I didn't have before. The story is bizarre and gruesome at points, but also has great, down to earth characters that I am LOVING. They do this thing where there will be 3 or 4 storylines going on and it'll rotate between them or connect certain threads, which is SO cool because reading those first two again I picked up on a lot of things I hadn't before. It makes them very clever; because Tony works as an FDA (basically the FBI in this universe) agent, it makes the graphic novels very much like a cop show--figuring out how seemingly unrelated things actually tie together.

There were some awesome twists in this volume--I think it's my favorite thus far. (It just takes a lot for me to give a graphic novel 5 stars, though if these keep getting better and better like they have been so far, one might be in the future...)