A review by crookedtreehouse
Daredevil, Volume 3 by


The conclusion to the Omega Drive storyline draws in Spider-Man, The Punisher, and "Punisherette" from the Greg Rucka run of Punisher. It's a fun, complicated journey of two heroes and two anti-heroes teaming up for an adventure where absolutely no one is on the same page. And they're battling four different evil corporations who are also not on the same page.

I was surprised by how well Waid and Rucka's styles complimented each other, given that they are two very different styles of writer. I was also curious as to where the story would land once the OMega Drive was written out.

The latter half of this trade focuses on Daredevil being kidnapped, brought to Latveria, and deprived of his extrasensory powers. It's an intense read in a very different way than the first half of the collection.