A review by bookedbyruqs
Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder


3 / 5 ⭐️
So much happened in this book. So much action, world building, magic and drama.

I loved the character development for all our characters and the writing style. However the author keeps recapping a lot of things that happened in the previous books. It happened so much times. The author will just extensively summarise what happened in so much different scenarios in the other books. It was so annoying especially cause it’s unnecessary and long. Especially if we’ve read the other books already.

In regards to the world building I enjoyed it but I feel like the plot is going in too many different directions and it’s not what I signed up for . Originally in poison study the focus was more on poisons and how that affected someone and can be used as a weapon. Which was what I was interested in and loved. However as the series is progressing it’s less about poisons and more about magic. Which I don’t mind but it’s just disappointing. I feel like the whole magic aspect too is just tooo much.

I read high fantasy and I understand that this is a high fantasy books series but it’s just something about this whole magic thing that makes it seem like nonsense. For eg the whole shadow world, fire world and apparently now a sky world. It’s just bullshit. And yelena jumping between them. Like wth

Also what’s up with all these clans. I just feel like there’s too much of them that are unnecessary and the history behind them is just meh.

I will continue reading this series just because I have the rest of the books already l. Hopefully it gets better and less nonsensical.