A review by xakyr
A Spirited Season by Karen Cantwell


This was a grouping of 7 novellas set at Christmas time, with a bit of a Paranormal twist. Sadly, I wasn't impressed with any of the stories! They all ended abruptly, and didn't really have much of a romantic aspect. I'll attempt to go into each story in more detail.

"A Christmas Peril" by Karen Cantwell: This story was just stupid. It bore very little resemblance to the Dickens tale it was based on, and the heroine in it, while a mother, did some very irresponsible things! Really wasn't worth my time.

"Make My Wish Come True" by Laura Lucas: This story was kinda cute! It was so underdeveloped though! I really wanted to know more about it, but it ended so abruptly!

"Two Turtledoves" by Misha Crews: Very boring story about how a person can act as a conduit to make someone else happy.

"Squakin' Around the Christmas Tree" by Karen Cantwell: Really boring story, which really didn't make much sense.

"Jingle Spells" by Laura Lucas: I liked that this had a cameo from the couple in "Make My Wish Come True", but the premise was very farfetched, and there was not a complete resolution to the story.

"O Christmas Tree" by Misha Crews: This was probably my favorite story in the bunch! There was a decent amount of resolution to it, and the promise of romance. I really liked the characters, and thought it was a very sweet story. It pulled the entire collection up a star!

"A Very Marmi Christmas" by Karen Cantwell: This felt like a prequel story to the author's other series-Sophie Rhodes. It did intrigue me a bit, but had a very abrupt ending which detracted from things significantly.