A review by jezebelsk
More Than it Hurts You by Darin Strauss


Josh Goldin has the perfect life. He's a star TV ad salesman. He has a beautiful wife at home - Dori. And his infant son Zack is the light of their lives. Things go well for Josh. He has the kind of personality that makes everyone adore him.

One Friday afternoon the bottom drops out of Josh's life. His little boy is rushed to the hospital. He coded - for a person like Josh, what does coded even mean? The doctors bring him back - but can't find a reason for the toddler's illness.

Dr. Darlene Stokes, head of Pediatric ICU, steps in. Even with all of her training, she can't determine a cause for the sickness. But something doesn't feel right, and these ill feelings all point to devoted mom Dori. Dori, who used to work in the medical field. Dori, who was too argumentative with the doctors. Dori, who didn't want "unnecessary tests" for her young child. Dr. Stokes' diagnosis: Munchausen syndrome by proxy .

I really really think this book could have been so much better. It has such an interesting premise. Unfortunately, the author spends more time going into Dr. Stokes' backstory than he does on the real story. The climax was a let-down. And the reader, Arthur Morey, was just awful. I'm not kidding. He never finds a happy medium. He's either overly dramatic or deadpan. And his women sound like idiots! I'm pretty sure that I've listened to him before - and disliked his work then, too! My rating: 1/5