A review by itsmarkyall
The Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story by Stephen R. Donaldson


I wasn't sure what I was getting into with this book. The first time I read Stephen Donaldson was an attempt at the first Thomas Covenant novel. I didn't hate the book but I couldn't get into it. I put it down after a few chapters, and hadn't read it since.

A few days ago I decided to give THE GAP INTO CONFLICT a shot. From the first few pages I was wrapped into the book. Putting the book down was the hard part, and I looked for every free moment to read. Angus Thermopyle began as a despicable character but by books end I found him to be sympathetic, and am looking forward to a free moment to begin reading THE GAP INTO VISION. Though not fully developed in CONFLICT Morn Hyland makes an interesting transition by CONFLICT'S end. I'm just as interested to see what paths her character takes as I am to find out what happens to Angus. I'm not as interested in finding out what direction Nick Surccorso. His character was flat, but Donaldson explains the reason why in CONFLICT'S afterword. Maybe he'll become more interesting in FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.

I highly recommend this book. Stephen R. Donaldson has placed himself among my favorite authors after reading THE GAP INTO CONFLICT. Hopefully the story becomes more interesting with each volume. I'm going to quit wasting time and get into the next book!