A review by baielleebooks
Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
While this book contains some great passages and gives multiple cognitive terrains in which to reflect on themes of class, familial conflict and the beauty industry, this isn't the book for me at this time.

Natsuko's voice being centred narratively does not endear me. There is an element of being invited on occasions to her pity party, and her remaining voiceless in the main dispute between older sister Makiko and her daughter Midoriko in Book 1 really irked me. In addition, the structuring of certain tangential and dream-like sequences weren't my cup of tea.

This novel without a doubt objectively has great prose and encourages reflexivity, but call it the wrong time, or the wrong central protagonist, but it's not a plot I wished to advanced with.