A review by linz
The Camelot Shadow by Sean Gibson


The Camelot Shadow is one of those books that I probably wouldn't have discovered on my own. Not that the book description wouldn't have captured my attention - quite the contrary, actually - but because I get a lot of my book recommendations from bloggers and friends on Goodreads, and, unfortunately, this book never came across my radar until, by chance, I received a friend request from the author on Goodreads. I found it after browsing his profile and I immediately bought it for my Kindle. It would truly have been a shame if this book never crossed my path. Let that be a lesson, authors! It never hurts to engage fans and potential readers. :)

The Camelot Shadow is an interesting novel that draws from Arthurian lore and legend. It's definitely a twist on the usual King Arthur tale, however. Set in the 1800's, it focuses on Lord Alfred Fitzwilliam and his quest to discover the truth in the legends, as he also tries to save his wife, who is dying. Alfred is a book lover and collector, and is regarded by some as an expert on the legend of King Arthur.

He is approached one night while at a dinner party by an odd man, and is invited to meet with someone requesting his help. Although he is hesitant at first, his curiosity gets the best of him, and he agrees to the meeting. He has no inkling about the perilous journey ahead.

Though Alfred is fairly level-headed, you can't have a story about King Arthur without a little magic, and even though the plot is focused on discovering the truth in the legends and magic of Camelot, the story never seems too far-fetched or fantastical.

I loved the writing style of this book. It almost felt like I was reading a book that was written in the 1800's, not just set there. The characters were well-written, the plot was original, and the writing was engaging. I became attached to several of the characters, and found myself on the edge of my seat worrying about their safety at times.

In short, if you're a fan of King Arthur stores - especially ones set in the not-so-distant past, I would highly recommend The Camelot Shadow. Part Arthurian legend and part mystery, this was a book that kept me interested to the very end.