A review by bookish_blanche
Local Star by Aimee Ogden


A confusing but fun read

-I got this book as an eARC with Netgalley in exchange for an honest review-

When Triz's friend Casne is falsely accused of a crime, Triz and her ex Kalo will have to work together in order to save Casne. But things won't go as planned and their journey will turn out more dangerous than intended...

I don't know what to say about this book to be honest. It's a fun and quick read, and maybe it is too quick because I can't seem to remember what happened. What I know is that I liked Triz. She's fun to follow and will stop at nothing to save her friend which is beautiful. I liked the tension between her and Kalo as well. But the first few chapters - meaning half the book - had me really confused. The world building was too quick and intense and I had trouble keeping track of who was who and what was going on. But once I was into it, it was okay. Not tremendous, but fun I'd say. My heart did a few backflips because some events were a little stressful and surprising. The writing was okay as well but not particularly memorable. In fact, that's what I could say about this book. It's fun and cool, but not really amazing or fantastic. It's okay and bonus point for the polyamorous rep that was very well put into it.

If you like space opera and want a quick read, you should give this one a try I guess!

"We're family, you know that, don't you?"