A review by tomokizu
Solar Flare by Autumn Dawn


I have to say I read this series slightly out of context. I started with book 2, read 3 and am now reading book 1. The story about the Harris-d sisters is quite alluring and the author definitely writes a hot story. I really enjoyed the predecessor to this book, because it was witty, romantic, believable and still emotionally and politically tangling and enticing. Unfortunately I can't say the same for this book.
Book 3 was coming along quite good story-wise until it hit a point midstory that turned everything. The characters progress stunted, the romantic situation was really awkward and unsatisfying. Brandy seemed shallow, confused and unsure. Azor, formerly really passive, turned alpha and possessive. The whole situation was clearly what the author wanted, but left unexplained until the very end. It didn't come out how the whole shapeshifting race actually was really possessive, loving and protective (except for a few sentences that explained all and nothing). The race wasn't clearly described and the whole situation with *spoilers from here on* Brandy being a half-shapeshifter herself was just rushed, unexplained and undeveloped. I actually read the words and thought: "Huh, that's why her hair changed color, but what does it mean for her and for them?" and left hanging.

Also, there were a few story strings that didn't quite come together. They didn't fit or felt as if the author tried to make them stick with sticky glue but nothing else. The explanations were half-hearted and felt unfinished.

What I normally don__t mention because I__m not really in the position to do so myself (being as I__m not native to the language) are mistakes. All the spelling mistakes, missing words and grammatical errors were really tiring. After finding over 6 mistakes in fewer than 10 pages I started to roll my eyes whenever I found a new one. And those were the really obvious ones. Sometimes I had the feeling the author started to write a sentence one way but finished it slightly different then she had in mind at first. It showed...a lot. It was one of the most badly edited stories I have read so far.

Some story strings were unfinished and the whole situation with the family, the past and the future felt unconnected. What actually really galled me was that we didn't hear a lot of all the previously introduced characters from the other books and the whole situation with the ongoing war between GE, Scorpio and the Khun'tat. The author explained the GE away with maybe half a page, mentioning that they were defeated and dissolved. The Khun'tat where only mentioned in the context of the travel arrangements and it being dangerous, but nothing more. Also, the author mentioned Ryven's Brother's marriage, but nothing about the bride and the other family members (what happened with that girl Xera rescued in book 2 from her isolation?). I'd have loved to read more about how the life continued for all of them. Sadly, the story from this book and the previous books just didn__t come together.