A review by xoxo_bookishbabe
All Hallows Maze by Kenna Bellrae



Wow. Just wow… I knew I loved the friends to lovers trope, but Dakota & Vera absolutely served in this novella.

This novella was both sweet and dirty! I blushed in the sweet moments and needed a serious glass of water after reading the spicy scenes. 

My heart completely melted for Dakota. Can someone please help me find a man who will be as good to me as Dakota is to Vera?? I mean, come on!! He has a custom made helmet for her with her nickname on it, he doesn’t let anyone else besides her ride with him on his bike, he comforts her during storms because he knows she’s scared of them, and he fucks her until she can’t speak??! I AM WEAK!! WEAK I TELL YOU!!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until I’m dead, Kenna does not miss!!