A review by heather425
My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren


Ugh, this book. I wanted to enjoy a nice, light, chick-lit type book and the description sounded ok. Plus, score, I received an ARC from Netgalley. I somewhat enjoyed Love and Other Words by these authors earlier in the year so I thought this would be pretty good. Only it wasn't.

It started out promising. Millie is best friends with four guys and they are all academia types. Sounds fun. We learn that Millie is better friends with Reid out of all the guys and within the first few pages they start a friends with benefits situation. Ok, fine. But then the whole thing goes off the rails. These people are in their late 20s and early 30s in 2018 and they act like they are still in college, but it's 20 years ago when the internet is new. They decide as a group to try online dating and act like it's something no one does. Then, Millie catfishes Reid with a fake profile. Granted, she starts a new profile because the guys are giving her crap about her real one. Before she can tell them, surprise, she's matched with Reid on the fake account!

Now, here's where I can't relate to Millie. Instead of coming right out and saying - ha! We matched by 98% on this thing, maybe we should try giving a real relationship a try - Millie sends a cute response with a slight inside joke thinking Reid will catch on. He doesn't. Again, at any time she could reveal herself. Instead she continues the charade and continues the FWB situation. Even when Reid figures out the fake account is Millie he doesn't confront her. He just gets mad and leaves. Then the books spends time with him sulking and not speaking to most of his friends and ignoring Millie. While I totally understood his anger, his reaction just seemed childish.

Overall, this would have been fun if it wasn't 2018. I would have loved this book back in the late 90s when I was a young 20something and the internet was still new, along with online dating. But in 2018 this just didn't feel right. Not to mention I just can't relate to the whole game playing dating nonsense. It was never my style. To read characters with professional careers act like immature kids was just too much.