A review by huckleberrycyn
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle, by Reilly Brown, Szymon Kudranski, Charles Soule, Jim Charalampidis


Hoo boy, this was not good.

Insert obligatory comment about this run not being as good as Waid's, but I still have enjoyed this run so far. I've like Soule's characterisation of Matt and I really like Blindspot as a sidekick.

But this?

Idk wtf this is.

The art was weird, but not overtly. It was just subtle enough that it had you questioning what exactly you were seeing.


Frank Castle is fucking garbage and a fucking fascist. Oh look, it's a white guy with gun who thinks he knows what's best for everyone. Who shoots into open crowds and is "such a good marksman" that no innocent person is EVER hurt. Who is cynical and callous but that's because he's "realistic". Just what we needed. Another one.

I get irritated with a lot with the superheroes Dudley Do-Right schtick, but I'd take that any day over the Punisher's "I-murder-because-I-know-what's-best-but-don't-take-into-account-institutionalized-racism-or-the-fact-that-some-people-just-make-bad-decisions-or-that-people-deserve-second-chances-or-maybe-I'm-as-big-a-monster-as-some-of-the-people-I-fight" bullshit.

Safe to say, I got some feelings about Frank.

And this plot did nothing to appeal Frank to me or even make him interesting.

This was all a bullshit cash grab because of season 2 of Daredevil. Which made Frank waaaay more interesting than this volume did.

This was boring and by the numbers. Frank wants to murder. Matt doesn't like it.

Skip this. You're not missing much.