A review by kittypaws9
What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell


“What I Saw And How I Lied” starts out as a noir coming-of-age story with so much potential, but by the end becomes a predictable sub-par movie plot that’s been done before. Why Judy Blundell decides to throw it away, I’ll never know.

Set in 1947, 15-year-old Evie goes on vacation to Florida with her family. While there, her father is trying to do business with a couple staying at the same hotel. While they are busy with that, Evie becomes preoccupied with Peter, an ex-GI. When an accident leaves one dead, Evie has to sort through the details to uncover the truth.

I do have to admit that I couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting, but I wasn’t satisfied by it at all. Blundell kind of glances over the really interesting parts like the setting — which she really could have changed to anywhere and had the same story instead of using it to the full potential.

The racism after WWII is one of the most interesting aspects. The characters are all deeply flawed, and I had a hard time finding one that I liked.

Final verdict: Lots of potential that’s lost on delivery.