A review by lt_tara
The Husband Hoax by Saxon James


4.5 stars

Quite honestly I wasn't expecting that this book would be as good as it was but it really slapped. I have been reading Saxon's (and by default also Eden's) books for quite a while and I have read a good number by now but they somehow still make me laugh and giggle and give me such a cozy heartwarming feeling. There are times when the books are not necessarily my favorite and I do think they are becoming a bit repetitive but this particular one was so much fun, it was refreshing and I read it in two quick sittings today. I really enjoyed it and had a great time. This book came out quite a bit ago but I somehow didn't get around to it, I read Gabe's book who ends up with one of the Puckboys and I was like ohhh yeah I forgot Christian is from the Husband Hoax and they are linked through the house, plus at the end of this book we also discover that Molly (Keller's son from DMC is moving into the house in Gabe's place so he will probably also get a book. I was wondering about him and his story because we get introduced to him in the other series, but now it's all coming together nicely. But, nonetheless, this was actually a nice change of pace and even though the book was in the typical Saxon style it felt different and I really liked it because I was easily able to distinguish Christian and Émile's voices, I really liked the premise and the execution hit for me for sure.

Christian was the biggest clumsy mess ever but he was also adorable doing it. He was so caring and loving, I really loved reading about his relationship with his roommates (I am really excited to read their books too because they are a hilarious bunch) because they were all so loving and supportive towards each other and I also loved how much Christian wanted to help Émile and how pure-hearted he was.

Émile was absolutely fabulous. He was hilarious, British in the best most sarcastic way and I really loved how much he adored Christian. Émile was very loving and supportive and adorable. I loved how natural he acted, that he always unapologetically said exactly wha was on his mind and that he didn't take life too seriously.

The romance was actually very natural. Yes, the attraction was very immediate but that is okay because that actually happens in real life so it didn't feel rushed or faked. I loved how easily they got along and how Émile immediately fit into Christian's friend group. The chemistry was also amazing and I enjoyed that they communicated well and didn't play games or had unnecessary miscommunication and drama. They were attracted to each other and even though it was pretty much all backwards they fell for each other and it was very cute and sweet.

The book was well-paced, I really liked the roommate side characters and also Josie and Elle, both set of parents can fuck right off but other than that I really had a good time and I honestly devoured the book super fast and I am excited for the next one.