A review by nicoma
Alone No More by Chris Philbrook


In the second book of Adrian's Diary, he fills in some of the gaps from the day it all started to the present. Adrian paints a very good picture of how the world has changed since the outbreak and what he's doing to survive. Unfortunately, it can get a bit repetitive. That's not to say it wasn't interesting because Adrian faces many challenges while scouting for goods. He's smart, he's funny, he's resourceful and logical, he gets hurt and he has nobody to help him as he makes a safe haven for himself. It's so easy to get caught up in the madness with him.

The thing I really like about this series is how real it feels. It definitely has a TWD feel to it. This shit is happening, what are you going to do to survive! I also like that we get little story snippets from other people. Almost every person that Adrian meets is somehow connected to some other part of the story and we get to go back and see it come together. However, I am ready to see Adrian move forward in his story and with the ending of this book we are definitely heading in that direction. Good stuff here! If you're looking for a good zombie book you should definitely check this series out.