A review by chllybrd
Dark Alpha's Claim by Donna Grant


The blurb for DARK ALPHA'S CLAIM pulled me in and since I've read quite a few of Grant's other series I figured I would enjoy it. Even though Grant's Reaper series is new, there are many mentions of characters from previous series. I don't think everyone will be confused or feel like you are missing something, but if you want to learn more about the world and the characters you might want to backtrack and read through the other three series that take place in the same world. Because there are so many books to get through, I don't see many new readers doing that though.

Since DARK ALPHA'S CLAIM is a paranormal romance, I will start with the romance. It was hot, but I expected nothing less of a Donna Grant book. The heat kicks off pretty quickly between Baylon and Jordyn and it never simmers down. It's insta-attraction and insta-love and Grant pulls it off with ease. It's pretty clear from the start—even though Baylon insists at first that he will walk away from Jordyn—that both would do anything for the other and they can't possibly live life without the other there. I thought Jordyn fit in with the other Reapers with ease. Speaking of the other reapers, I already have my favorites and I just might pick up book two if one of them are featured.

So why only 3 stars? There was a few things. There are a LOT of characters right off the bat. It makes it very hard to keep them all straight and it also makes it a bit hard to get to know them all. On top of that I had a hard time staying in the story and it just felt like something was missing and I couldn't figure out what it was.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.