A review by latas
The Alibi Man by Tami Hoag


This was a page turner with lots of thrills and chills. I almost gave it a 5 star, but for the insufferable and self-loathing lead, Elena Estle. Why all the 'oh-so-handsome' men were vying forĀ  her attention, was a big mystery to me. I felt sorry for detective Weiss. What did he do to deserve such nasty sarcastic comments by Landry!

In the end, no one knew who the actual killer was. Without any confession or evidences, the murderer could have been anyone. It was all about what elena thought had happened. Though the reader gets to know she was right, as the killer flashes back. I always want the world to know and justice served, whatever the motive of murder might have been.
Nevertheless, The writing was interesting and i would like to read more of Tami Hoag.