A review by bookph1le
A Fighting Chance by Elizabeth Warren


I'm sorry to say I have a pretty jaded view of American politics these days. I think most politicians are in it for the money and the power, that the words "public servant" have inexplicably become dirty to many of them, and that government of the people, for the people, and by the people has become perverted to the point that it seems like a quaint, old-fashioned notion.

But there are still politicians like Elizabeth Warren who prevent me from sliding into utter cynicism. She is one of the few I believe in, one of those increasingly rare politicians who seems to be in it to fight the good fight for the common folk, and not because she's motivated by the sweet corporate job she'll be able to get once she's ready to retire from politics. Were Congress filled with people like her, I can only imagine what this country would be able to accomplish.