A review by canada_matt
Eye for an Eye by Ben Coes


Coes entertains everyone with one of his best books to date. Dewey Andreas is back for another instalment of thrills and excitement, all while remaining covert and travelling under the radar. When Dewey learns of a Chinese mole within Mossad, he outs the man, and the Chinese receive a kick in the teeth, espionage-style. Upon learning of Dewey's antics, China delivers their own version of the fatwa, calling for the death of Dewey Andreas at any cost. When disaster strikes Dewey's personal life as the Chinese try to avenge their pride, Dewey ups the ante and will not let up until he's delivered the ultimate payback on those responsible. As the book's title suggests, the rest of the story becomes the see-saw battle between Dewey and China's clandestine service, with nuanced political undertones regarding the financial policy of the United States. With a little help from the Agency and MI6, Dewey vows to stop at nothing as he dodges numerous attempts on his life in order to delivery the ultimate act of retributiopn. With fast-paced chapters that will not let up, Coes pulls the writer in and will not let them go until the epilogue's close.

Fans of the series will love this book. It redefines the thriller and espionage genre without touching on the over-used Taliban and Al-Qaeda themes. The ever-evolving cat and mouse game turns the plot into something that will keep the reader up late into the night, as they try to discover what each side has up their sleeves. Wonderfully written with real-life dialogue and settings, Coes uses his abilities and pushes them to the limit, doing so as successfully as any writer of the genre I have had the pleasure of reading.

Kudos, Mr. Coes for this wonderful novel. I cannot rave enough about this book, this series, and this author.