A review by carls2112
Mirror Man by Fiona McIntosh


Jack’s Back!
BOOK REVIEW: Mirror Man | Fiona McIntosh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Is one life worth more than another?

This is the third instalment in the DCI Jack Hawksworth novel and whilst it definitely can be read as a stand-alone I highly recommend reading the first two before delving into this one - not because you need the background but because the books are so damned good!!

Jack’s back and in charge of “Operation Mirror” trying to figure out if there is a serial killer on the loose (three seemingly unrelated murders with one connected fact - all the victims are convicted criminals), with his swoony good looks and baggage from his tragic past relationships Jack is the typical heroic Detective - he reminds me of Luc Cavagnah in the Helen Fields “Perfect” series (if you love police procedurals and haven’t read these I highly recommend them!)

I was delighted to see the return of Kate Carter as I love her as a character (equally as good looking as Jack - they really would make the perfect couple!) and loved the way Anne McEvoy features in this story. In a similar style to the other two books in the series we find out early on who the killer is and for me I love that I’m not waiting for a big twist/reveal, it really allows the writing to flow and the book stick to a genuine police procedural thriller genre.

A wonderfully crafted novel that I stayed up late reading late into the night. Thank you so much to Penguin for the copy in exchange for a review it’s the best crime thriller I’ve read in ages!