A review by chelton
Tempestuous by Kim Askew, Amy Helmes


Note: I received this through Goodreads Giveaways.

This was a quick, breezy read that tackled Shakespeare's The Tempest, placing it in the modern day. I love the idea. A group of mostly teenagers trapped in a mall overnight while a blizzard rages outside? Awesome!

Yet it never came together for me. There's a mystery element, but I solved it almost as quickly as it was presented. The characters are fun, though Miranda (the lead) suffered from being surrounded by peers more interesting than her. Also, where were any adults aside from Grady and a few women in the movie theater? I kept expecting some conflict to stem from the kids playing trashing the camp at the mall. Most of all,though, there were just a few too many wink wink nudge nudge literary reference moments.

However, Kim Askew and Amy Helmes worked nicely together. There was never a jarring moment between their two writing styles, and it seemed like this was a joy to write. It teetered between cartoonish and farcical, and because it's mostly a bit of fluff, it was an enjoyable read.