A review by kellyhager
Just One...: Includes Just One Day, Just One Year, and Just One Night by Gayle Forman


I am so ridiculously late to this party, and I can only hope that I'm not literally the last person to read this. (If you haven't, read it now; it's amazing.)

I think most readers will see a lot of themselves in Allyson, the girl who follows all the rules and has a multi-step plan for her life. This book, of course, is what happens when she stops following those rules and ditches The Plan. She and Willem have a meet-cute and she spontaneously decides (after their next and even cuter meeting) to go with him to Paris. I will never have an epic love story because I would never go anywhere alone with a stranger, much less to Paris. So my life will never be Just One Day but on the plus side, it also won't end up like Taken or Hostel. (We hope.)

But this is just an amazing, perfect book. I loved watching Allyson grow over the course of the story and the ending...wow. I was very happy to be able to read Just One Year right after.

Highly, highly recommended (with the caveat that you will want to go to Paris RIGHT NOW after you're done).