A review by adamcarrico91
Something That May Shock and Discredit You by Daniel M. Lavery


“But I cannot shake the sense that I have only recently sprung from being held underwater, unsure whether I have been released or struggled my own way out or simply found myself, like all human beings, naturally and instinctively buoyant.”

Hilarious. Extremely entertaining and insightful. I enjoyed the use of cultural touch points to describe his inner journey. I particularly appreciated the connection to scriptural teachings, having also been raised in the Christian faith. I related to the non-retractable relation between a faithful upbringing and sense of self.

“And while I dismissed relatively quickly the idea of my childhood as a source of guidance, I returned over and over again to the scriptures of my youth, to ground and locate myself in the stories of transformation that were already familiar to me. Not because I thought I needed religious permission to transition, and not because I thought Christian history was the best source for a trans ontology, but because that history was mine, unalterably and permanently, no matter what I decided to do with my future.”