A review by ofbooksandromance
A Matter of Fact by Kate Hawthorne


5 “I would spend every cent in my bank account if it meant I’d get to kiss you like that just one more time” stars

First things first, I don’t really recommend reading this book as a standalone, this is the third book in a series, and it is a redemption book for one of the evil side characters of the previous two books in the series and I think it’s really beneficial to see the character’s previous actions before reading his book. But I think you could read it as a standalone if you wanted to, the book does a fine job of explaining everything that happened in the previous books of the series, but it does seems like it starts in the middle of a story and only explains many things later on in the book, so please be warned of that.

This book was probably my most anticipated new release of the entire year. Even since we met Rhys in book 1 of the series, I have been aching to get his book. It’s no secrets that books about the redemption of an evil main character are my favourite book trope of all time, so I was not so patiently waiting to read this book and I was so excited to get it in my hands. I binge read this book in one day the second I received an ARC copy of it and I have no regrets about it, it was one of the best reading experience I have ever had. We might only be at the start of the year, but I can already predict that this book will end in my top 5 favourite book of the year, it just left such an impact on me and I’m sure I will be talking and thinking about this book for the rest of the year.

Brief summary
Rhys is 37 and he is crumbling under his family’s expectations (he’s from a really wealthy family and he had to do a lot of things he regrets to uphold the family name) and he is very unhappy with his life. Rhys goes to brunch at a restaurant, and he meets his waiter, Beckett. They see each other again and again, go on multiple dates and they fall in love.

“Beckett, I think I’m in love with you.”
“You don’t have to say it back.”
“What if I want to?”
“What if I love you too?”
“Then you’re a fool,”
“Then I’m a fool.”

First, I don’t think I will ever be able to stop talking about how much I love Rhys. In fact, expect me to mention him in every other sentence about books that I will speak this entire year. Rhys was an evil side character in the previous books of this series but as far as I’m concerned, Rhys has been fully redeemed and is now one of my top 3 favourite book characters of all time. Rhys is a cold, calculating heartless characters in the previous books in the series, but in his book, he was so awkward and fumbling, he was so unsure of himself and just so eager to fall in love. And I just loved everything about him.

Second, at the start of the book, we see Rhys who is absolutely crumbling under family expectations. He is the oldest son of a very wealthy family, and he took all the expectations of what comes with that on his shoulders, including sacrificing his life and dreams and never marrying a man like he wanted to because his father was against that. He doesn’t have friends or much of a life, or people he cares about. Rhys was just so alone and all he wanted was to be happy because he really wasn’t and he hadn’t been in a long time, and it broke my heart to read about that and how unhappy with his life he was. And Rhys feared falling in love because it meant to he would have to be vulnerable, and he doesn’t know how to be anything but in control. But then we got to see Rhys meet Beckett and we got to see Rhys finally be happy and get all the things he wants in life, and it just made me utterly happy to see Rhys do and get everything he has denied himself his entire life. I loved seeing him being so carefree and in love, it felt so rewarding to see him opening up and just living, instead of being the cold and heartless person he had been for years. I loved how eager he was to just be in love and have someone that loved him, he radiated such joy about his relationship and just being with Beckett and it was lovely to see. It was very rewarding as a reader to see the cold and calculating facade shred apart to reveal a man that just wants to be loved for who he is.

Here is an interaction between Rhys and Sebastian, his brother, that I think really shows how Rhys felt: “How did you do it?” […] “How did I do what?” “Give yourself permission to be happy.”

Side note, there is something so beautiful about reading about a character that used to be really closed off and never opened starting to open up and let someone in. And that’s exactly what Rhys did. And I loved reading about how he let himself be vulnerable for one of the first time in his life and how he let Beckett in, it was an absolute thing of beauty to read about.

Another side note, I just want to mention how much I loved that this book put a really big focus on Rhys finding his found family, the fact that Rhys didn’t belong and didn’t have friends was a big part of his character, so I loved how the book made sure to give him a found family that loves him exactly like he is.

Third, I’m a cry baby and I have a soft spot for people who are lonely and who had life situations that didn’t allow them to be happy so safe to say that I cried for a lot of this book. I just got so emotional over Rhys and what he was feeling, and I just wanted to give him a big hug. This book made me cry so much, just because I felt for Rhys so much and I just wanted him to have a moment of peace for once. I was just a mess at the end of this book, it made my cry my entire body weight in tears and I loved every seconds of it.

Fourth, I talked in detail about how much I love Rhys already, but now I want to talk about how much I adored Beckett, he was just the perfect love interest for Rhys to me. Beckett was just so lovely, and he was so good to Rhys and I loved how understanding he was to Rhys and I just adored how Beckett did everything to make Rhys feel good and to shatter every fear and doubts that Rhys has ever had.

Beckett also understood that knowing Rhys, or rather, being allowed to know him, to see him…it was a gift. It was such a gift. And no amount of money would ever balance that.

Fifth, I now want to talk about how much I loved the redemption part of this book. This was everything I have ever wanted to read about in a book about a character’s redemption. When we got to see Rhys in the previous books of the series, he was mean and seemed super cold and arrogant, so I loved seeing in his brains and learning the reasons for his behaviour and why he was that way. I really enjoyed learning to know him in a new light. I really enjoyed having a peak into his head and seeing his motivations for his previous actions, that really worked for me. What I love about redemption books is that they take you on a journey. Especially since we met Rhys in book 1 of the series, we got to see all his evil ways and the ways in which he hurt every other character in the series, so it was even more impactful as a reader to see him maturing and realizing how he went wrong before and apologizing for the hurt he previously caused. I really loved how much of this book put a focus on Rhys and on redeeming his previous actions and showing his motives for them and how he learnt from them and how he changed his life to now be a better man, everything about that part of the book really worked for me. Also, I just loved how hard Rhys tried to be different than the way he used to be, Rhys just wanted to show that he was changing and growing, and I loved that for him.

Side note, I just adored that while this book was a redemption book and a lot of the book was focused on the redemption, it was also about Rhys finding who he is and growing as a person, that just really worked for me.

Beckett loved him always. And he loved Beckett. He loved him so much. And he refused to give up on that. […] He’d just gotten a taste of what it could be like, a life with the support of a partner, completely separate of the familial ties that had held him in bondage his whole life.

Sixth, I just adored the romance in this book. It was just so sweet; it melted my entire heart. I loved how Rhys just wanted to spend all the time he could with Beckett, he didn’t care how, he just wanted to spend time with him. I just loved how happy Rhys was to spend time with Beckett I loved how happy they seemed to make each other every time they interacted with each other. And I just adored how much of this book’s focus was put on them going on dates and getting to know each other, that just really worked for me.

Seventh, I loved their communication and how mature their relationship is, when they had an issue, they talked about it together and compromised and I loved it so much.

Eight, all the books in this series talk about money and the consequences of having a lot or not having much and I really enjoy talks like that in books and I really appreciated in this book too. Rhys is rich and at the start of the book he thinks that all he’s worth is his money and that people only like him because of his money and not because of who he is, and I loved how Beckett spent so much time proving to Rhys that he is more than his money.

Ninth, I have read the other books in this series and the way this book brought an end to the series and answered many questions brought by the previous books in the series was just so well done. This book served as a perfect ending for the characters in the series and their lives and it wrapped everything in a way that was just super satisfying.

I just adored every second of this book, I don’t think I will be able to stop talking about this book any time soon, this book just had my heart from the second I started it and I think it will have my heart for a very long time. This book was just perfect for me.

I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest opinon.