A review by samnreader
The Cornerstone by Kate Canterbary

Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I recently picked up a recent Canterbary romance and quite enjoyed it. Having quit this series long ago, on book #1 if I'm not mistaken I thought I'll do the UnSam thing and just pick up those that rated highly.

I started and read it quickly, then by 31% I stalled out and stopped caring. I'm grateful for how far it seems this author has come, but I also begin to understand my need to read "quiet" romance. Not those without drama. Just those that the protagonists wouldn't be the type in real life to tell you every detail about their weekend, swear (I LOVE SWEARING) constantly, and run around in their siblings way constantly. These are overgrown children trying to convince me how boss they all are and it makes me so tired. I'll take cowards any day. 

But there's something to be said for tension and timelines that make sense, and I just am not feeling this at all.