A review by ladilira
I, Morgana by Felicity Pulman


As a huge King Arthur fan I was excited to find this new retelling just waiting to be read. Having never read anything by Pulman, I took a chance and was not disappointed. I grew to love Morgana in The Mists of Avalon, and I have found I lean towards positive portrayals of the villainized sister. Any story willing to tell Morgana’s side is always a welcome experience for me.

Throughout a good percentage of this story, I did not like Morgana. I was terrified that Pulman had created a monster portrayal of Morgana as a selfish, greedy, heartless brat. Luckily, Pulman allowed her character to grow and towards the end I saw redemption in her and adapted to this particular character rendition. I can’t say I loved this particular version of Morgana, but I felt it was an honest and possible explanation for how she came to be such a wounded soul.

In my opinion, the story flows like many similar King Arthur stories. Many acts we have read time and time again will appear in this story. Whether you have read The Mists of Avalon, Le Morte D’Arthur or watched the BBC TV show Merlin, there will be repeated scenes you have seen from many versions. The parts of the story Pulman took liberties with and attempted to make her own were aspects that allowed for open interpretation. I found the romance especially a unique twist that Pulman created.

I read this story in three days, which these days is pretty quick for me. If I read a book that fast it can only mean it brought me enjoyment to engage with. If you are a King Arthur legend enthusiast then I recommend this book.

Check out my review on my blog https://cellardoorbooks.wordpress.com/