A review by lola425
Friendship by Emily Gould


I was prepared to dislike this book. Expected the characters to be the usual brand of self-involved, whiny character that these types of "privileged twentyish-somethings with too much choice navigating friendship and the world" novels tend to be filled with. Not so. Not to say that Bev and Amy aren't self-absorbed, and in many ways lousy with choice. They are, it's just that somehow, Gould manages to make Bev and Amy real, not just vehicles to deliver chick-lit tropes. I can't say I liked Bev and Amy, but I wanted them to succeed. When Amy
Spoiler sleeps with Sally's husband
I found myself wanting to shout No! at her and talk her out of it, even though it was inevitable that she would be unable to stop any act of self-sabotage. As for Bev, while I didn't buy into the whole Sally as fairy godmother storyline, I did buy Bev's realization that even work that you once saw as beneath you can bring with it satisfactions, if you end up being good at it.

Sometimes letting go of your twenties is hard, particularly if the dreams you had for your life haven't exactly come true. Sometimes it can take you well into your thirties to make other plans. As you leave Bev and Amy at the end of Firendship, you suspect that they are at least making a start of it.

(Proud of myself for not once referencing the TV show Girls n my review!)