A review by froydis
The Salt Line by Holly Goddard Jones


Thanks to G.P. Putnam's Sons and Edelweiss for early access to this title.

This book started quite harshly - I'm not one that cares too much about language in my reading, but the opening chapter of this book was a bit shocking to me, enough so that I wondered if I wanted to read through to the end. I did stick with it, and it got REALLY good. The harshness of the opening fits with this new world that we're entering, and its a good way to break the reader out of the complacency of regular life. The ending fits well with the rest of the story, and the suspense of the middle will keep you reading until the end. A great book for those who like the more "realistic" dystopians - meaning that you can envision this actually happening. A great if not entirely comfortable read!