A review by michelleheegaard
What If I'm an Atheist?: A Teen's Guide to Exploring a Life Without Religion by David Seidman


I received this as an E-ARC from Netgalley in return of an honest review;
A very good book that gives you a lot of advice on the subject of being atheist. It definitly focuses on what to do, if you have grown up in a religious family and find you self a nonbeliever. It also deferensizes between different types of nonbeliever as; atheist, agonist and so on. I really like that, since it is is important to know that there is different ways to be a nonbeliever.
My only critic of it is that it forcuses a lot on interviews, where the author speaks through the people he interviewed. A few interviews are nice but sometimes a whole chapter was purely based on interviews. That could have been done a bit better, I think. But it was nice. It really was. If you find yourself in a religious family and do not believe in the same thing, then it would be ecspecially great, I think. It tells you what to do both before, during and after you selfdiscovering. It couldn't help me much personally, since Denmark isn't really so religious when it comes down to it. But it was still a great read, since I am going through a spiritual time in my life right now.