A review by ilyanna
The Princess Diaries Box Set, Volumes I-III by Meg Cabot


Short... very different from the movie. Or rather the movie is different from the book by a lot. Still dont know how I feel about it... there are more but I dont know if I'll read them...

Updated review: I have now read nearly all of these books. At first it bugged me that the books where different from the movies, ( I know the books came out first but I found the movie first so.. MEH). But after a while I just found these books fun and enjoyable. Mostly because at the time of reading them I am a 31 year old female going through nursing school. The best way to reevaluate how stressed out I was over an assignment was to take a break and read these books. It was nice listening to someone have meltdowns over such small things in an age ( for her) appropriate way. Laugh off her struggles, and then look at myself and realize Im not doing much better on the " keep it together" front.

I think these books would be fun for any young girl to read, and enjoyable for a mother daughter read. I, alas, have nothing but boys. And none of them would enjoy the ramblings of a teenage princess.