A review by destynee20
Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning


Olivia Cunning did not disappoint in the second book of Sinners on tour! The only thing I was disappointed about was that I have to wait until the next book comes out. But I must get back to review.

In Rock Hard Olivia introduces Jessica Chase which you previously got a glimpse of who she was in Backstage Pass. Of course we all think Sedric is a asshole and doesn't deserve a happy ending. Well you're wrong! We get to see inside of his head and see why he does what he does. Even better we get some side action with Trey, Jace, and Eric. Not that kind of side action that I wish would happen with me in the middle, but we get to see their characters grow and love them a little more too. Or maybe lust, but anyway.

If you're wondering if the steamy scenes are better or worse than the ones in Backstage Pass... I'd want to keep the surprise but they are even better! Two words: Eiffel Tower. I'll give you two more just to be nice. Bellagio fountains. I may or may not have a evil grin on my face.

I must say I wanted to strangle Jessica and Sed at various times in the book to just get back together already, but that is the hopeless romantic in me. The ending was very cute and I laughed many times toward the end. This book wasn't clean cut as in, he sees Jessica and BAM they are back together. Its a gradual coming back together even though they both have problems with each other, they overcome them. And that ladies and gentlemen speaks to my romantic heart.

I can't wait for the next installment of Sinners on Tour! Great Job Olivia!