A review by lillimoore
It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini


I'm really not one for YA anymore. For several years after I transitioned into more mature material, I reflected on my YA memories fondly and continued to pick up the most popular titles as I would come across them at sales or in little free libraries, collecting them for times when I felt nostalgia for my teen times or simply was looking for something less complex and faster-paced. But I think finally picking this book up at age 23 killed any remnants of desire I have to read these books. It's not that it wasn't well-written—it was actually phenomenal in terms of voice. My real problem with YA fiction is the flippancy of the plot lines. I thought there was so much more interesting potential that was left untapped in some of the side characters and the environment of the hospital, that probably would have been further explored had this book been geared towards adults. The relationships were unrealistic and the pacing was extremely rushed.

That being said, I think this is a good book for the appropriate age group to read, if they're into this sort of thing. I suppose for myself, I've just moved past it and have a difficult time reconnecting with my 14-year-old self, who would have positively adored this book.